Hi, I’m Marina.

I am a life transitions coach.

I am here to help you navigate and thrive through the many challenges and transitions that often accompany mid-life.

For example, are you…

  • a mom struggling with your identity separate from your mom role

  • a mom impacted by your teens’ increased independence and changing needs

  • undergoing divorce

  • seeking to create a career after a long pause or to shift careers

You are in the right place. I will help you:

  • reclaim your identity and reconnect to your authentic self

  • design a life that aligns with your visions and values

  • map out a path that leads you to fulfillment and hold you accountable to it

Let’s have a conversation!

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Empower Your Mind To Enhance Your Life.

My goal is to empower you to create the life you want.  It all starts with empowering your mind.

Your mindset – your thoughts and the way you look at things – sets the stage for your feelings and experiences, and dictates your results. 

By shifting your mindset, by changing yourself from the inside out, you can start to make a difference in your own life.


be the agent of your life

The extent to which we have the power to change the circumstances outside of us is limited.  The power we have to make changes within ourselves, however, is boundless.

Your life isn’t going to change itself just because you want it to.

Change requires vision, action, alignment and accountability.

I can help you to:

  • tap into and clarify your visions

  • clearly define your goals

  • design action steps that align with the results you want.

Small steps make the biggest difference, and yet are often the hardest ones to take.

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Take that first step. I am here for you.